miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Days of the week

Days of the week


The days of the week:-

There are seven days in the week.
We usually work for five of them. We call these five days "the working week".
Many people take two days off work, we call these days "the weekend".
Monday is usually the first day of the week. Friday is usually the last day of the working week. Sunday is considered a day of rest.
The working week
The weekend
(the Sabbath)
Short form (written only)

Here is a rhyme that may help you remember the days of the week

The days of the week:-

"Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace, 
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for living,
But the child that is born on a Sunday
Is bonny and blithe, and good and happy."


The Seasons


The seasons

In Mexico we have four seasons:-

They are winter, spring, summer, and autumn.
Each season has different weather, and each season lasts, roughly, three months.
!Note - Americans call autumn, fall. I suppose it's because a lot of leaves fall.

Here is a poem that may help you remember the seasons:-

The seasons

The earth is warm, the sun's ablaze, 
it is a time of carefree days; 
and bees abuzz that chance to pass may see me snoozing in the grass. 

The leaves are yellow, red, and brown, 
a shower sprinkles softly down;
the air is fragrant, crisp, and cool, 
and once again I'm stuck in school.
The birds are gone, the world is white, 
the winds are wild, they chill and bite; 
the ground is thick with slush and sleet, 
and I can barely feel my feet.
The fields are rich with daffodils, 
a coat of clover cloaks the hills, 
and I must dance, and I must sing to see the beauty of the spring.






For example:-

Union Jack
The Union Jack is red, white and blue.
German Flag
The German flag is black, red and yellow.
Penguins are black and white.
Aubergines are purple.
Lettuces are green.
Lemons are yellow.
Oranges are orange!
rainbow is multi-coloured

A Poem to help you remember your colours

I Can Sing a Rainbow
(by Arthur Hamilton)

Red and yellow and pink and green, 
Purple and orange and blue, 
I can sing a rainbow, 
Sing a rainbow, 
Sing a rainbow too!
Listen to your heart, 
Listen to your heart, 
And sing everything you feel, 
I can sing a rainbow, 
Sing a rainbow, 
Sing a rainbow too!
Red and yellow and pink and green, 
Purple and orange and blue, 
I can sing a rainbow, 
Sing a rainbow, 
Sing a rainbow too!

People, Places, Nationalities + The Question Where?

People, Places, Nationalities 
+ The Question Where?






RuleFor example

People's names always start with a CAPITAL LETTER.

My name is Lynne Hand.

Countries always start with aCAPITAL LETTER.

I come from England, but I live in Germany.

Cities always start with a CAPITAL LETTER.

I grew up in Nottingham.

Nationalities always start with aCAPITAL LETTER.

I am English.
Where you come from is your nationality.

Where is this?

Is this Germany?
Is England in Poland?
What is the capital of England?
No, this isn't Germany. It is England.
No, England isn't in Poland. England is in Britain.
The capital of England is London.

Is this France?
Is Wales in Germany?
What is the capital of Wales?
No, this isn't France. It is Wales.
No, Wales isn't in Germany. Wales is in Britain.
The capital of Wales is Cardiff.

Is this Spain?
Is Scotland in France?
What is the capital of Scotland?
No, this isn't Spain. It is Scotland.
No, Scotland isn't in France. Scotland is in Britain.
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

Is this Italy?
Is Northern Ireland in Italy?
What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
No, this isn't Italy. It is Northern Ireland.
No, Northern Ireland isn't in Italy. Northern Ireland is in the United Kingdom.
The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Where is this?
Is the United Kingdom in America?
Tell me more.
This is the United Kingdom.
No, the United Kingdom isn't in America. The United Kingdom is in Europe.
England, Wales and Scotland are countries in Britain. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are countries in the United Kingdom. London, Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff are capital cities. London is the capital of Britain.
This is England.

Q - Is England a city?
A - No, England isn't a city. England is a country.
Q - And London. Is London a city or a country?
A - London is a city, a capital city. London is the capital city of England.
Q - Is London in Germany?
A - No, London isn't in Germany. London is in England.

Now you - make up the same dialogue for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Q - Is Wales .......... ?
A - No, Wales ........... .


A quick joke :-

What is the capital of France? 

Who is this? / Who are they?

Who is this?What is her name?Where does she come from?Where does she live?What nationality is she?
It's Ingrid.
Her name is Ingrid Bergman
She comes from Sweden
She's dead, but she is very well known (famous).
She's Swedish
Who is this?What is his name?Where does he come from?Where does he live?What nationality is he?
It's Napoleon.
His name is Napoleon Bonaparte.
He comes from France.
He's dead, but he is famous.
He's French.
Who are they?What are their names?Where do they come from?Where do they live?What nationality are they?
They're 'The Beatles'.
Their names are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison.
They come from England.
John Lennon and George Harrison are dead. Paul lives in England and Ringo lives in Monte Carlo. They are all very famous.
They're British.

All the people above are famous.

Everyday Greetings

English Greetings, Introductions and Farewells



Everyday Greetings

"Good night"
Now you say Hello. (Requires a free Voice Thread account).

Naturally Speaking

Follow the dialogue.
Mr Bean meets Mrs Breuer, one of his students, and her husband in the street.
Mr Bean:
Good morning, Mrs Breuer.
Mrs Breuer:
Good morning, Mr Bean. How are you?
Mr Bean:
I'm fine thanks, and you?
Mrs Breuer:
Not too bad. Mr Bean, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr Bean my English teacher.
Mr Breuer:
Pleased to meet you.
Mr Bean:
Pleased to meet you too. Are you from Germany, Mr Breuer?
Mr Breuer:
Yes, East Germany, from Dresden. And you, are you from London?
Mr Bean:
No, I'm from Derby, but I live in London now.
Mrs Breuer:
Well, goodbye Mr Bean, it was nice to see you.
Mr Bean:
Yes, goodbye.

What to say...


When you meet people you say "Good morning" first thing in the morning, "Good afternoon" from about 12.00 till around 17.00 and "Good evening" from then on. 

"Hello" or "Hi" are more informal but can be used at any time.
  • How are you?
  • How are you?
When leaving, you say "Goodbye".

"Bye" is more informal. 

When leaving at night, you say "Goodnight".

When going to bed you say "Goodnight."